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Configuration guide (config.json)

Essential settings

botToken: String
Your bot token gaven from @BotFather (ex. 4839574812:AAFD39kkdpWt3ywyRZergyOLMaJhac60qc)

botStaff: Array<userIds>
List of User Ids considered bot staff (ex. [33224765, 82399935])

Privacy settings

deleteChatDataAfterBotRemove: Boolean
If enabled all chat data will be deleted from bot database when you kick the bot from a group

overwriteChatDataIfReAddedToGroup: Boolean
If enabled chat data and configurations will be regenerated if bot has been re-added to the group overwriting the old one

allowExternalApi: Boolean
Allow to gather additional data by various online api's, that's may reveal the ip of your server, default to false

Other settings

reserveLang: String
Main bot language, this will be used to overwrite other languages with incompleted translations, we advise to keep it unchanged or use a full implemented language

saveDatabaseSeconds: Number
Number of seconds of how often loaded chats should be written on disk, useful to prevent data loss on crash

saveTagResolverSeconds: Number
Number of seconds of how often tagResolver data should be saved on disk

maxCallbackAge: Number
Maximum number of seconds a callback button should be old to be accepted by the bot, you can reduce this in case of incompatible callbacks after an update that cause crash

preventSetUselessRoles: Boolean
Disallow from setting roles if it does not change the user status in the group

chatWhitelist: Array<userIds>
If there are at least one element the bot will work only on these chat ids (ex. [-10294995433434, -429930035587])

privateWhitelist: Boolean
True if chat whitelist should ignore also private chats not included in chatWhitelist, useless if chatWhitelist is disabled

chatBlacklist: Array<userIds>
Bot wont more handle requests of Chat Ids on this list (ex. [-10294995433434, -429930035587])

Plugin settings

ANTIFLOOD_msgMin: Number
minimum settable number of messages to triggher the antiflood

ANTIFLOOD_msgMax: Number
maximum settable number of messages to triggher the antiflood

ANTIFLOOD_timeMin: Number
minimum settable time in which N messages should be sent to triggher the antiflood

ANTIFLOOD_timeMax: Number
maximum settable time in which N messages should be sent to triggher the antiflood

minWarns: Number
minimum settable warns on settings

maxWarns: Number
maximum settable warns on settings