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You can create any plugin you want creating a new file inside plugins folder

Look at example.js to see how it should be organized:

const LGHelpTemplate = require("../GHbot.js")

function main(args)

  const GHbot = new LGHelpTemplate(args);
  const {TGbot, db, config} = GHbot;

  //here your plugin code//

  l = global.LGHLangs; //importing langs object

  GHbot.onMessage( (msg, chat, user) => {

    if( chat.type == "private" && msg.text == "/test999" )
      GHbot.sendMessage(,, "Hello, i send this because im a plugin\n"+l[user.lang].flag );

  } )


module.exports = main;

Put and import in your plugin any needed utility on api folder, but if you know that some functions will be ever needed only on your plugin, you are free to declare it directly there