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Open-Source re-creation of telegram group manager Group Help in NodeJS based on node-telegram-api.

An official instance of bot is running on @LibreGroupHelpBot


Be sure to have installed a recent version of NodeJS

Verify NodeJS installation with node -v

Set your bot token using configuration file, look at config documentation.

Open a terminal inside LibreGroupHelp folder and run this commands

npm install

Now you should be ready to run LibreGroupHelp using:

node index.js

What is done

✅ Completed and working

🟡 Not fully implemented (work in progress)

❌ Not implemented at all

✅ Roles and permissions hirarchy
❌ Custom roles
✅ Moderation commands
❌ Support moderation for channels users
❌ Support for anonymous admins
🟡 Bot support
❌ Bot help (how to use)
❌ Bot clones support
❌ UTC Time settings
✅ Langs and lang settings
✅ Rules
✅ Welcome
✅ Anti-flood
✅ Anti-spam
✅ Goodbye
✅ Alphabets
✅ Captcha (1 mode)
❌ Checks settings
❌ @Admin
❌ Blocks settings
✅ Media blocks
❌ Anti-NSFW
✅ Warns settings
❌ Nigth mode
❌ Tag settings
✅ Link settings
❌ Approve mode
❌ Message Deletion settings
❌ Topics settings
❌ Banned words
❌ Recurring messages
❌ Members management
❌ Masked users settings
❌ Discussion group settings
❌ Personal commands
❌ Magic Strickers/GIFs
❌ Max message length settings
❌ Log channel
❌ Staff group
❌ Group statistics
✅ General commands permissions editor
✅ Remove user-data from group (/forget)
❌ Remove user-data from bot
❌ User privacy mode
✅ Crypto prices external api


To update LibreGroupHelp you need to backup ./database folder and ./config.json, then repeat installation process and paste there again both file and folder, you may need to add some config.json parameters manually if has been added


Documentation is the section you are looking for if you want to contribute to LibreGroupHelp

Ask a question

If you have any questions about LibreGroupHelp, feel free to open an issue or ask directly in our telegram group @LGHChat.